When Noah fell in the ark from the waves, he never fell out of the ark, he stayed in the ark because God himself shut the door and God himself opened the door. The Bible says, "I am complete in Him Who is the head over all rule and authority." When you are in Jesus and have his grace, you may fall, but when you fall, you fall into GRACE! "But I fell!" You fell in Christ! "But I must repent!" Then make the decision to stand up and stay in him! The word repent is metanoia, it literally translates to change one’s mind! 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, "I have the mind of Christ"; realize this and keep going! "But I have to start over!" No, my friend, you are complete in Him! It doesn’t matter if you were just saved this morning; you are complete in Him! You don’t strive to be complete, you accept that you are complete, not because of your works lest no man boast, but because of His perfect finished work. So rest in that completeness and then walk that out. Many churches teach that you must start by following Jesus, then if you love him enough, peace will come, then when peace comes, if you keep trying hard enough, you will one day be complete. But the Bible says you are complete in Him! The order the Holy Spirit gave in John 19 is that Jesus starts by yelling, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). Then he says, "Peace be with you!" (John 20:19). Peace is founded on the finished work! Then he says, "Do you love me?" (John 21:15), then "You follow me" (John 21:22). You start out finished; your sins are forgiven, past, present, and future. Then you can possess the peace because you have been made the righteousness of God in Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:12). Then, after you possess the peace from being made righteous in God and are resting in His finished work, He asks, "Do you love me?" and when you say yes, He says, "Follow me."